Almost two years ago I began what seemed to be a routine architectural kitchen remodeling here in San Antonio. The basic program required the updating of a 25 year old residential kitchen. One of the main requests of the client was to try to find a way to add at least twenty square feet of storage for kitchen ware.

The lady of the house is known for community service through culinary donations. She was noticeably anxious about having the heart of her home disrupted and rearranged.
In the first meeting

she made it clear that it seemed impossible to have all of the existing parts of the kitchen reimagined into something that would be simultaneously attractive and functional. Her husband eagerly offered to use the talents of him and his son as cabinet makers to add some special touches, and personal passion, to the finished product. Each time we met to review a progress plan, the wife reminded me of how complicated the project appeared. I divided the design process into a series of steps that evolved into more detail. We addressed space, function and ergonomics as integral issues. The materials in the hardware were selected to complement the stainless steel finishes on the major appliances. The colors were composed to produce a warm family kitchen atmosphere.
Several visits for field measurements, and climbing twice into each attic of the two story house, allowed me to create a plan that increased the original kitchen space by 86%, with only modest internal structural modifications. The new island is 4 times larger than the original; includes integrated water, natural gas, and electrical supply; exhaust hood; and built-in cabinets for cooking equipment, pots, and utensils. I used the client’s magazine clippings as reference to compose the new space, order a modern style, and proportion the components.

The numerous design discussions inspired the lady of the house to present me with a bonus of a spice cake in the shape of an eclectic gothic building. It was just as scrumptious to taste as it was appealing to the eye.
The actual construction was implemented masterfully by Ken Reed / KReed
Construction Services.